Professional Development Skills
Professional Development is a topic that many professionals, coaches, and parents often debate or worry about. Often Personal Development is thought of as necessary for all professions, and this can be true. Personal Development can help you grow as an individual, but Professional Development is another matter entirely.
While professional development only improves your technical skills and education in your current career, personal development focuses to develop you as an individual who can adapt, communicate, and take responsibility for their future. Some activities are clearly one way or another, and others are a combination of both. For example, while career coaches help their clients develop skills for managing their careers, those same coaches also help their clients learn how to manage their emotions.
The two concepts - Professional Development and Personal Development - share many similar characteristics, but they are not the same thing. Professional Development usually occurs over an extended period of time, while Personal Development usually happens over a short period of time. Personal Development can occur on its own, with the development of personal skills, or as the culmination of Professional Development. If you need help determining which concept best suits you, consider these examples. First, do you need Professional Development skills in order to achieve your career goals?
You may have heard the saying, "What doesn't kill you will make you stronger," and there is certainly something to that principle. Personal Development will help you deal with obstacles that might otherwise prevent you from moving forward in your chosen career. When you understand how to handle stress effectively, you become able to accomplish your goals without suffering in the process. On the other hand, taking personal development courses will teach you how to better support yourself if your career does not allow you to completely and responsibly take care of yourself.
As mentioned above, Personal Development is a gradual process, while Professional Development is very much a product of Personal Development. Therefore, when you need new skills for the job you are working at, you should focus on developing those skills rather than setting them aside to wait until you have a promotion or a new position. You will be able to achieve those goals sooner by working on your professional development skills than by putting those skills on hold until your next promotion. On the contrary, if you wait until you are offered a promotion or another position and you don't take advantage of it, you will find yourself competing against others who did take the plunge and have been successful because they were more determined than you was.
One area where both personal development and professional development overlap is in the area of soft skills. These soft skills, also known as non-verbal communication skills, are the invisible but very important elements of a successful career. Non-verbal communication takes on many forms, but in general it includes the ability to listen, to understand and to communicate with others. Without these non-verbal skills, we would not be able to converse with each other effectively, nor would we get as much done as we can. Examples of soft skills that can be developed include effective listening, positive attitude, having positive thoughts and perspective, knowing what to talk about, and staying relaxed.
Another area where both personal development and professional development are necessary is in leadership. Effective leadership requires certain skills such as effective communication skills, organization skills, good problem solving skills, and respect for other people. Although these skills may not be considered'soft skills', they are just as important as the other types of skills we discussed. They are, in fact, the building blocks upon which a strong leader is constructed.
Finally, both personal development and professional development are necessary for employees to perform their jobs well. In a fast-paced environment where time is money, employees need to know how to use all of the resources available to them. In addition, employees need to know how to communicate with each other to get the job done, as well as how to schedule and manage their time more effectively. If an employee is lacking any of these skills, it could mean that he or she is not achieving the goals they had hoped for in their personal life or in their career.